Instead of the usual lounge routine, this morning started off with an ambitious attempt to Kayak around PSV. We were doing pretty well for a bit but, but when we hit the Northern tip of the island we began fighting with the current and realized pretty quickly we were going to lose. Plus, our attempts to shield the sun's harmful rays left us with sunblock filled eyes, which was less than pleasant. I am happy to report that we made it back safe and sound.
We were super excited about our adventure for the day, which would be a trip out to an even smaller island for a picnic lunch and some well suited waters for snorkeling. We took a small speedboat out about 2 miles to a small sandbar with a lone tiki umbrella and there we were left to our own devices for two hours.
The first setback: The wind. The PSV winds are nothing like the biting, knock you down, make you want to cry, winds of Chicago. No, they are warm and comforting. However when you find yourself on an island made entirely of sand, that causes a bit of a problem. We sat with out back to the wind as we quickly inhaled our picnic lunch , and kept our eyes down. Snorkeling provided a much needed escape from the sandy stingers flying at your face.
As these were uncharted waters for us, we saw many lovely fish of all sizes and colors, which kept us busy for quite sometime. Snorkeling is very calming and voyeuristic in a way. You get to spy into a window of a world different from your own. I loved the feeling of the water running over my back, and the waves pushing me back and forth. We snorkeled, a lot.
After an hour or so we decided it was time to simply swim, we we had seen all we needed to see. As we waded in the water we noticed, in the distance, a large yacht circling our island. It was full of people and we assumed they were on some kind of tour. However the massive creature soon came to a halt and began unloading passengers onto a small, inflatable dingy. This dingy was headed right towards us, and we quickly realized our tiny spec of an island had been invaded by "the others."
Within twenty minutes the island went from looking like this:
To this:
Sadly there was no way to "radio" the homeland, so we were stuck for another hour just waiting surrounded by Ukrainians and Frenchmen in tiny Speedo's. Good times.
Upon our return home we cleaned up and decided to try our hand at tennis. Which lasted for all of fifteen minutes, because....well....we suck.
That evening we had dinner in our cottage and feasted on Pork Shortribs, Callaloo Soup (full of local fish and ingredients), Lobster Tail, Mahi Mahi, Banana's Foster (not so great) and Mint Chocolate Mousse. Not a bad way to end the day.
YUM! and one time john and i decided to play tennis on a vacation and after I hit three balls over the net - like out into the woods over the tall net - he said we were done. oh well...
He he he. It really does look like the island on LOST! These posts are making me crave a vacation. Looks amazing!
Really loved this entry...however...did you succeed in "moving the island???" Looks like it "moved" you!!! Such creativity!!!...from whom does it originate?????
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