Tuesday, November 18, 2008

The Commercial has AIRED!

I received word from my agent that the crazy last minute commercial I filmed has aired. It appeared last night on NBC during an episode of Heros. Awesome.

When we actually filmed the commercial I had way more lines, but many were edited out. I am ok with this as I had no idea what I was doing!


Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Blürg Career Updates

Alot has been happening to us career wise and I though I would post a few updates!

Jürgen recently closed Amadeus at Chicago Shakespeare. It was a lovely production directed by Broadway director Gary Griffin. Jürg understudied the title role and performed as a member of the terribly underused ensemble. Oh well it was a steady job for four months, hard to find in the life of an artist.

I have just started rehearsals for The Snow Queen at Victory Gardens. I had the pleasure of doing the show last year and I am excited to remount it. I play a small child which is not surprising, plus I get to wear a funny hat.

We are just two days in but I am excited to see the show unfold. We have new castmates and new music. I will keep you posted!

I mentioned in a previous post booking two national commercials in one week. It's true and my fingers are tightly crossed that they actually air! The first was for a product called Zune 3.0 it's essentially Microsofts version of an iPod. I got a call at 11:30am on Halloween from my agent asking if I was available to shoot a commercial that afternoon. Thankfully I was free, but how on earth did this happen considering I had never audition for said commercial. Apparently I had been cast off of my headshot-this never happens! I zipped downtown, having no idea what I would be doing or even what the commercial was for. I soon found out it was not only a national commercial but it would feature the band The Kings of Leon and the rapper Common...and me apparently. I was even more shocked to discover that I had lines...lots of them! I wasn't informed of this until minutes before I was to shoot. It was an insane experience, and I literally have no idea what I said or how I did. Still, thankful for the opportunity nonetheless.

The second features my hands, and it's for Glade scented Candles. In one I am trying to light a candle, in another I am putting quarters into a coin slot on the candle. The whole conceit is "why spend $25 on a boutique candle when you can spend $6.95 on one from Glade...that would be like burning money." Clever huh? My audition for this consisted of meeting the producer and putting my hand up to hers. Intense.

Jürgen is free for a bit until next spring when he travels to Milwaukee to work with the Milwaukee Repertory Theatre on their production of The Cherry Orchard. I will be visiting Milwaukee quite a bit!

Ok those are a few updates. I cannot believe it's November already.

More blogs coming soon....I promise!

Friday, November 7, 2008

Yes We Did...And boy did we ever.

On November 4th 2008 America made History and changed the course of politics as we know it.

I was there to see it.

Chicago hosted an Obama rally and I manged to snatch up two tickets the day it was announced. God bless the day job where I spend hours in front of a computer. Chicago was buzzing all day, everywhere you looked you saw Obama buttons, Hope shirts, Yes We Can paraphernalia. I realize this wasn't the norm for a good portion of America, but that is why Chicago is the city for me! I met up with my friends Mark, Jenn and Katie around 6pm and we quickly made our way over to Grant Park. It was crazy. People of all ages and colors were there. The excitement was palpable and hope filled the skies. I just knew it would be a victorious night and I think 100,000 of my closest friends that night felt the same. You could feel the change moving in with the wind and we were all ready for it.

We could not have asked for a more perfect night. Chicago in November can be frigid, snowing, windy as all get out. Not that night. It was in the perfect 60's with a light breeze. Mother Nature herself was smiling I think.

With each projection the crowd roared. I jumped, quite a lot, it's what you do when you are small. As the clock ticked we saw states turn blue and sweet victory was moments away. As we reached 10pm we counted down to the polls closing in California, and when the announcement came up on the gigantic screen screams of joy erupted from the crowd. It was a night of peace and hope. Of change and patriotism. I feel so blessed to have been a part of it.

Being short does not have it's advantages in situations such as this, and as a result I spent much of the night on the tip of my toes trying to catch of glimpse of, well, anything. I did get photos though and Jenn was able to pick me up so I could actually see Mr. Obama at one point. It didn't matter though. I was there and thrilled.

Here are some photos snapped by Jenn. Mine are forthcoming.
The Massive crowds and massive screen.
Our President Elect!
One more for good measure.
The four of us. Yes none of us look great but we were filled with joy and exhausted/dehydrated from standing for over four hours. Totally worth it.

The "Yes We Did!" stickers came from a gent in front of us. As soon as Barack was announced the winner he passed them out to everyone. I am going to save it for posterity.

And by the by, this year I picked the winners of: The Superbowl, Wimbledon, Top Chef, Project Runway (both of them) and of course the Presidential Race. What can I say? I have killer instincts.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

And We're Back!

The original Blürg is back in action!

Version 2.0 was working just fine but I was still deeply saddened by the loss of the orginal. One afternoon I was tinkering on the computer and lo and behold the blürg was back!


So, now comes the apology for being such lazy bloggers. I was out of town for most of the weekends in October and my day job has kept me busy as well. Plus we haven't had that much to do in terms of wedding planning lately.

However there are many fun updates in the life of Blürg. Some highlights:

November 4th 2008-History was made and I was there in Grant Park
We took our first cooking class together: Photos to follow
I managed to book two national commercials in a week. Details are forthcoming
The Invitations have been sent and people seem to like them. No turning back now.
I had an amazing ornament shower in Louisville. I cannot wait to decorate my tree.
We finalized our menu for the reception. My stomach growls thinking about it!
And much more!

I promise from here on out to be more consistent from here on out. We are less than two months away! Crazy!

Check back often...