Tuesday, July 22, 2008

A Show of hands...

I was very excited to shoot my first ever hand modeling job a month ago. The joys of working at a photography studio! It's funny, for years my mom has said "you have such lovely hands, you should be a hand model." I hemmed and hawed about it and could only find flaws in my clappers, but last summer (while working at the photo studio) the producer asked to look at my hands, and apparently she liked them. I was whisked upstairs to shoot a Pampered Chef catalog. This gave me the courage I was seeking to contact the print department of my agency to be considered for hand modeling jobs. After a few weeks a meeting was set and I went in to have my hands judged. According to my agent "It takes two seconds, it's either a yes or a no, and nine times out of ten it's a no." (encouraging!). I placed my hands and as luck would have it they were a yes! Felicitations! Shouts of joy! However, he was quick to point out that my knuckles were a tad "rough" and I need to be more diligent about using hand cream. Well ok, since you said it so nicely. Nothing came of this meeting for awhile, until recently and now I have a legitimate comp card. Hopefully (nicely filed and polished fingers crossed) I can embark on a new career path! I will keep you posted. (thank you for the awesome appendage-genetics passed onto me from my grandmother, Annie)


Unknown said...

Loved this!!! Annie would be so proud of you !! She was actually this first one to notice, since she had such beautiful hands as well!! Loved the photos from James' visit too- went to the picasasite and checked them all! Your mom with the "peasant hands!"

theparakeet said...
