Wednesday, September 10, 2008

The Blürg is going to get trashed!

I have been following Dana's blog for some time now. It's delightful. It was through her that I learned about a new trend in wedding photography called "Trash-the Dress" henceforth called TTD.

What do TTD photos look like? Well here are just a couple examples

A stunning shot by (and in) the water

I love the color of her dress just pops out of the photo. Very intense

I think it would be fun to run through the snow in a wedding dress

As you may have gathered TTD photos feature brides (and grooms too) in situations where their dress could Why would anyone want to trash their dress? One school of thought is that you will never wear the dress again so why not get a unique artsy photo out of it. Another is why not just take some cool photos for posterity. Truth be told, your dress does not have to get trashed maybe just a little damp. I thought it sounded like fun.

Lucky for Chicago based photographer Jody Garland is building her very own TTD portfolio and is offering free TTD sessions to 10 lucky couples. I sent her an email and we have been selected. The location of the photos has yet to be finalized but she has some great ideas. Also I will not be wearing my actual wedding dress for two reasons.

1) They will most likely be done before the wedding and I do not want the Jürg to see me in my dress
2) My mom would probably kill me if I actually trashed my dress.

All is not lost however, for I do have an unused wedding dress hanging in my closet at home. I know that sounds weird, but being a product of private school education we were required to wear long white dresses for our graduation. We got a wedding dress on sale, but in the end I deemed it "too wedding dress like" (maybe because, it is!) and opted for a different one. It has been hanging there for almost eight years now. I cannot think of a better reason to bring it out than this. Now we just have to hope I still still fit in it! I can wear my high school prom dress (and have many times thank you) so there is hope!

I will certainly keep you updated as the details firm up. Whoo hoo!


Bad Kid Productions said...

SOOOOO exciting! I bet you'll have amazing pictures - Chicago is so rich with cool photo ops, especially dirty ones :) Congrats!

Brittany said...

I cannot WAIT to see this pictures.

Or your engagement pictures.

Or your wedding pictures, for that matter.